Genealogy Primer - a must reading for everyone who's wondering "Where do I start?"
Addresses for Archives in Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland by Elaine Kalynchuk and Sonia Tkachuk van Heerden
Dictionary of Lemko Surnames by Ivan Krasowskii of Lviv
Digging into Lemko Family History from the United States by Michael Buryk. 2004
Index of Localities of the Eparchy of Peremyshl
Index - Localities formerly inhabited by Lemkos until 1945, in present day south-eastern Poland
Vital and Marriage Records fromGreek Catholic and Orthodox Parishes in former Austrian Galicia, former Malo Rus, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus (former Byelorussia)
Historical Shematism of the Eparchy of Peremyshl, including THE APOSTOLIC ADMINISTRATION OF LEMKIVSHCHYNA (1828-1939)
Frank Romanick, Capt. US Navy (ret) - "Are You My Relatives?"
My meetings with the Carpathian bear. by Andrzej Piela
PROCYK, Dimitri Pavlovich "The Story of Myself, by Myself.
Sanok - Skansen, Ethnographic Park, (Museum of Folk Building)
Travel Guide, to current south-eastern Poland
HalGal, gateway to vital records from the pre-1918 Austrian Empire region of Poland known as Galicia
Page prepared by Walter Maksimovich
Copyright © LV Productions, Ltd.
Originally Composed: July 4th, 1995
Date last modified: March 27th, 2013