Available below are Maps of Ukrainian Cities, former Lemkivshchyna/present extended area in south-eastern Poland, Road Atlas of Ukraine, etc.
A clickable map of the Eparchy of Peremyshl
A small Collection of Maps of Ukrainian Cities is made available here.
These are high resolution [ 100,000 : 1 ] maps of the present day
south-eastern corner of Poland [known as Lemkivshchyna], with a small
encroachment into Ukraine and the Slovak Republic.
Łemkowszczyzna. Są to mapy w skali [ 100,000 : 1 ], mapy dnia teraźniejszego, z małym przekroczeniem granic Słowacji i Ukrainy.
Interactive Road Atlas of UKRAINE
Document URL: http://lemko.org/maps/index.html
Copyright LV Productions, Ltd.
E-mail: walter@lemko.org
since September 6th 1999 | LV Productions, Ltd. c/o Walter Maksimovich 730 Pennsylvania Avenue, Apt. 706, Miami Beach, FL 33139 USA |
Originally Composed: August 6th 1999
Date last modified: April 15th, 2009