Lemkos. Engraving by G. Hoffman, mid-19th century.

Lemkos in general call themselves Lemky or Rusnaky; the Poles call them Lemki, Rusini, and sometimes Ukrainians. Ukrainians from Lemkivshchyna is generally acceptable.

There are two major Lemko organizations in Poland:

Pro-Ukrainian Obyednania Lemkiv (Union of Lemkos).

(In Polish) Zjednoczenie Lemkow
Zarzad Glowny
ul. Jagiely 2
38-300 Gorlice

Publishes "VATRA" whose motto reads "Tu mene maty porodyla, solodkym molokom kormyla, tu khochu zhyty, umiraty, de zhyly miy otets' i maty" - "Here my mother delivered me, fed me sweet milk, here I wish to live and die, where my father and mother once lived".

Sponsors an annual folk festival "VATRA" in July, which takes place in the village of Zdynia, near Gorlice, Poland.

(Pro-Rusyn): Stovaryshynia Lemkiv (Lemko Association) maintains that Lemkos are a distinct group of people. Since 1989 publishes the Lemko language quarterly "Besida". "Besida's" Editor-in-Chief is Petro Trochanovskyj.

(In Polish)

Zarzad Glowny Stowarzyszenia Lemkow
ul. Z. Kossak 5-6
59-220 LEGNICA 6

These are some of the Lemko/Rusyn organizations in the Slovak Republic:

Narodni Novynki (News about Us)
Publishers of "RUSYN" magazine (6 times per year at $US26/year, in cyrillic) and "Narodny Novynky" (weekly at $US43/year, in cyrillic). Both via AIR MAIL to the US/Canada. Please send a separate personal check to:

Narodni Novynki
Chief Editor: Mr. Zozuljak
Duchnovichovo nam. 1
081 48 Presov

email: rusin@vadium.sk
tel. 011-42-91-725629, Fax: 011-42-91-733201

or print out the subscription form

These are some of the Lemko/Rusyn organizations in Ukraine:

Тернопільське обласне Товариство "Лемківщина" (Ternopilske oblasne Tovaristvo "Lemkivshchyna")
Бульвар Тараса Шевченка, 21 (bulvar Tarasa Shevchenka 21
м. Тернопіль (Ternopil)
Україна - Ukraine
Голова: Венгринович Олександр 011-380-352-22-80-59 or/або 22-33-04
Дуда Ігор 011-380-352- 22-80-72 or/або 33-41-07
Сорока Лариса 011-380-352-26-28-37

Товариствo "Лемківщина"
м. Івано-Франківськ
вул. М. Підгірянки, 1/4
Голова товариства Лемківщина
Криницький Степан Семенович
Контактний телефон- 011-380-3422-01-97

Львівськe обласнe Товариствo "Лемківщина"
м. Львів
Пл. Ринок,17
Голова Товариства: Ропецький Володимир

Obshchestvo Karpatskikh Rusynov (Society of Carpatho-Rusyns)
Universytetska 6/20
294000 Uzhorod

Institut Karpatyky - (Institute of Carpathian Studies)

Uzhorodskyj Derzhavnyj Universytet
Universytetska 6/20
294000 Uzhorod

These are some of the Rusyn organizations in former Yugoslavia :

(In latin) ,
Druzstvo za Ruski Jazyk i Literaturu
(Society for Rusyn Language and Literature)
Bulevar Oslobodjenia 81
21000 Novi Sad

Руска mатка
Маршала Тіта 59
25233 Руски Керестур
СЦГ (Serbia & Montenegro)
Email: ruskamatka@EUnet.yu

за Руску матку: Миломир Шайтош
Нови Сад

Союз Русинів Українців Сербії
Новий Сад, вул. Й. Суботича 8
Bogdan Vislavski, контакт: vislavskibogdan@gmail com

These are some of the Lemko/Rusyn organizations in the United States :

The Lemko Research Foundation
26 Elm Street
Clifton NJ 07013

Part of ODLWU (see below). Publishes quarterly "Lemkivshchyna" at an annual rate within US of $10/year , other countries US$16/year, "Annals", and other books on Lemkivshchyna.

Carpatho-Rusyn Society
125 Westland Road
Pittsburg PA 15217

Publishes "The New Rusyn Times " , Richard D. Custer - editor ,
(bi-monthly and issued free to members of the Society), Membership : $20/year (regular); $10/year for seniors and students.

Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center, Inc
7380 SW 86 Lane
Ocala, FL 34476-7006

Pro-Ukrainian Organization for the Defense of Lemko Western Ukraine, Inc.(OWLWU)
P.O. Box 7
Clifton, NJ 07011-0007

It's motto reads " The Unity of Ukrainian Ethnographic Territory in a Free Ukrainian State". In 1988 financed publishing in Ukrainian 1,100 pages of material in two volumes "The Lemko Land (Territory - People - History - Culture)", Bohdan A. Struminsky - Editor, as vol. 206, Historical-Philosophical Section of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York-Paris-Sidney-Toronto.

Publishes quarterly "Lemkivshchyna" Magazine. Subscription rate in the USA is $15 per year.
same address
FAX: 973-473-2144             email: mduplak@aol.com

Branch No. 2, Yonkers NY

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Document Information Document URL: http://lemko.org/lih/lemkorg.html

Page prepared by Walter Maksimovich
E-mail: walter@lemko.org

Copyright © LV Productions, Ltd.
E-mail: webmaster@lemko.org

LV Productions Ltd.
c/o Walter Maksimovich
730 Pennsylvania Avenue Apt 706
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Originally Composed: March 1996
Date last modified: December 30th, 2009